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Therapeutic Care

Protecting the health of your gums, bite and jaw joints is as important to your oral health as replacing lost tooth structure.

During your initial dental examination and at each preventive visit, Dr. O'Donnell and hygiene team will fully evaluate your oral condition to look for early signs of periodontal (gum) disease, teeth grinding (bruxism) or clenching. Be sure to let us know if you are experiencing symptoms, such as bleeding gums or sensitive teeth, so we can examine and treat any dental problems.

Supportive therapies & surgical services include:

Laser Periodontal Treatments
Soft tissue laser technology assists Dr. O'Donnell in the treatment of periodontal (gum) disease and minor gum shaping procedures. Laser periodontal therapy is typically faster and more comfortable for the patient than traditional periodontal surgery.

Nightguards / Biteguards
We may recommend a dental nightguard if you are experiencing symptoms of bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching), such as pain in the jaw joints, frequent headaches, tooth sensitivity, or fractured and worn teeth. A dental nightguard (or biteguard) is custom-made to fit your upper or lower teeth and is generally worn during sleep. The hard plastic device discourages and decreases the effects of jaw clenching and teeth grinding.

Root Canal Therapy
When a tooth becomes infected, it may be necessary to perform a root canal. During root canal therapy, the infected tissue is removed and each canal is sealed to prevent re-infection. A root canal procedure leaves most of the tooth structure in tact, preserving its place and function in the bite. Restoration of the tooth can then be completed with a dental crown.

Routine Tooth Extractions
If there is enough healthy tooth structure remaining after removing decay and infection, a root canal and crown is generally the preferred treatment, rather than extraction. When a tooth cannot be saved and extraction is necessary, replacement of missing teeth with dental implants, a bridge or denture is recommended.

  • Although dentists typically discourage tooth extraction, there is a notable exception: wisdom teeth. Third molars, also called “wisdom teeth”, erupt in the very back of the mouth during the teen or young adult years. Because there is usually not enough room in the mouth to accommodate these teeth, and they are so difficult to keep clean, it is common practice to remove them.

Local general and restorative dentist Dr. Robert J. O'Donnell provides therapeutic care and surgical procedures in our Alpharetta dental office. He may coordinate with a local endodontist (root canal specialist), periodontist (oral tissue specialist), or oral surgeon in complex restorative cases.

Do you have questions about dental conditions or treatment options?

Please don't hesitate to contact our office to schedule a complete examination and consultation with Dr. O'Donnell.